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Ridesharing Mobile app
for Passengers

How I helped increase MOIA's conversion rate while ensuring security and usability
• by designing the signup flow for Android
• extending the Design System

MOIA is a ridesharing mobility service from Volkswagen.

How I helped increase MOIA's conversion rate while ensuring security and usability
• by designing the signup flow for Android
• extending the Design System

MOIA is a ridesharing mobility service from Volkswagen.

My role

UX / UI Designer


Internal team: 1 Lead Designer, 1 Design Director, Development Team, 1 Product Manager


4 months, 2019


Sketch, Jira

Skills applied

• iOS & Android - UI Design for cross platform native apps 

• MVP feature prioritization

• Using user research to drive design decisions

• Atomic design approach in Design Systems

• Development hand-off & collaboration

• User testing - preference test

• Agile collaboration environment

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from Ca 41,000
to Ca 260,000


Apple App Store &
Google Play Store

By April 2020, the fleet had 100 vehicles, which extended Hamburg's urban mobility with the help of MOIA's algorithm-based electric ridesharing concept.

From January 2019 to April 2020 the user registrations, and app store metrics were succesfully improved by approx. 85%.

By April 2020, the fleet had 100 vehicles, which extended Hamburg's urban mobility with the help of MOIA's algorithm-based electric ridesharing concept.

From January 2019 to April 2020 the user registrations, and app store metrics were succesfully improved by approx. 85%.


Decrease in onboarding time for designers

Decrease in Development time



Designing the signup flow for MOIA solved more problems that manifested over the user testing and iteration phase.

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• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Longer signup flow

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Longer signup flow

Before I delivered the user authentication flow there were more use cases that belonged in the onboarding flow such as the coupon offering for first- time users and the onboarding slideshow.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


User friction points

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

User friction points

We also tested the MVP app flows which was helpful to uncover several issues.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Lack of a seamless experience both on iOS and Android

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Security vs. customer engagement signup tradeoff


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Security vs. customer engagement signup tradeoff

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Lack of a seamless experience on iOS and Android

The development team went back and forth between using the OTP via either mobile or email authentication.
To address the mobile or email back and forth I considered quantitative and qualitative available research data.


• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.


How might we help users achieve a
fast & secure signup for the
MVP launch?

How might we help users achieve a
fast & secure signup for the MVP launch?



When designing the solutions aspects such as the MVP goal, business requirements and user goals were considered

→ MVP launch goal

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

→ MVP launch goal

• launch the app app with the essential functionality as soon as possible for early users
• minimum functionality required for early users
• release the product as soon as possible
• gather feedback from users
• iterate based on the feedback

→ Business requirements

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

→ Business requirements

•  increase registrations

• drive engagement & retention for the MVP app launch in Hamburg

•  increase registrations

• drive engagement & retention for the MVP app launch in Hamburg

→ User goals

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

→ User goals

• new users need a fast and secure user signup in order to use the app as soon as possible to order a ride-sharing car

• have a seamless experience both on iOS and Android

• new users need a fast and secure user signup in order to use the app as soon as possible to order a ride-sharing car

• have a seamless experience both on iOS and Android

Longer signup flow

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Longer signup flow

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Keeping the essential

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Keeping the essential

I collaborated with the team in deciding the most basic features needed for the product to launch. The coupon offering and the onboarding slideshow were left out, at this stage. What was kept was only what allowed for the product to be deployed, excluding non essential features.

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User friction points

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

User friction points

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

UX improvements

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

UX improvements

Improving the UX, so that the signup process does not take longer than needed.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Lack of numbers visibility when extracting the code

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Lack of numbers visibility when extracting the code

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

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• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Using microcopy to address the code visibility issue

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Using microcopy to address the code visibility issue

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I iterated on the text to be clear & short while prioritizing
• welcoming the user
• purpose of using the code
• the actual code
This is a typical example of how mastering microcopy or writing clear & short texts can have a huge UX impact.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Missing the code & switching between apps

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Missing the code & switching between apps

Based on the user feedback we gathered from usability testing, one insight was the user frustration when switching between the MOIA App and the e-mail app for extracting the code.

Based on the user feedback we gathered from usability testing, one insight was the user frustration when switching between the MOIA App and the e-mail app for extracting the code.

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Implemented visual hierarchy & magic link

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Implemented visual hierarchy & magic link

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To address this I worked on iterating on the welcome email so that users spend the least amount of time scanning the email and getting what is needed - the code (OTP).

I implemented visual hierarchy to address the problem of needing to extract the code fast. And have also cut out out the clutter from the email.

To address this I worked on iterating on the welcome email so that users spend the least amount of time scanning the email and getting what is needed - the code (OTP).

I implemented visual hierarchy to address the problem of needing to extract the code fast. And have also cut out out the clutter from the email.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Security vs. customer engagement signup tradeoff

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Security vs. customer engagement signup tradeoff

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.


• Provide a fast, easy and secure onboarding for new users and retain them in the future.


Based on available data & business needs I designied the flow with the email authentication

• Offer users a great experience for the Android platform while being consistent with the iOS version.

Based on available data & business needs I designied the flow with the email authentication

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• Email registration is also a good post-verification marketing channel that can be used beyond for just receiving the code to drive customer engagement & retention.

• Users can receive a welcome email during the sign-up process which encourages more engagement and retention.

• Users can still verify their phone number but at a later stage during the use of the app.

• Email registration is also a good post-verification marketing channel that can be used beyond for just receiving the code to drive customer engagement & retention.

• Users can receive a welcome email during the sign-up process which encourages more engagement and retention.

• Users can still verify their phone number but at a later stage during the use of the app.


Design system

Design system

The goal was to make our own app for both platforms, with a native feel to the system it’s on. I reviewed how popular apps deal with designing components for both iOS and Android.
I progressed in creating our own custom version for Android - with a native cross-platform app approach.

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Design iterations

Design iterations 

Based on the user testing and iteration phase the I have refined the signup flow with fewer steps and necessary optimisations.

App Flow V1

Initial flow

• Initially the flow included

-the onboarding slideshow (A2)
-the coupon offering for first-time users (A3)

• Also it had the phone number code authentication instead of the email authentication

• Initially the flow included

-the onboarding slideshow (A2)
-the coupon offering for first-time users (A3)

• Also it had the phone number code authentication instead of the email authentication

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App Flow V2

Refined flow

The refined flow omits the unnecessary and additional steps and instead focuses on the core flow and simplified A-B experience

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Final designs

Final designs

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